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         Sidama Regional National state Education Buearu 
  Mr  Beyene Barassa Dupty Pirezidant and Education Bureau Adminster                                           

Education is a big sector that plays its part in determining the level and speed of development of countries. Countries around the world have reached their current level of development because of their work on education. The reason for their strength and their greatness is due to their focus on education even if they are left behind. Education accelerates the development of countries by making the generation competent as well as competitive. This is one of the biggest lessons in the work that countries are paying attention to. Our country, Ethiopia, has been making efforts to improve education at various times. Currently, it is in the process of formulating a new education policy and changing the curriculum to provide modern education in line with the international communityThe Sidama National Regional Government Education Bureau has established a regional program called "Sidama Curriculum Reform" based on the change of the national education policy, in order to create a sustainable source of growth, and approved the "Sidama Education Improvement Fund" by law, creating competitive citizens who solve educational problems through the participation of all members of the society. The bureau is working hard to bring about change.

I express my sincere wish that bright hope for the nation of Sidama will shine forth, saying that we shouldall march forward in terms of ensuring universal development by making constant efforts to solve the problems of education from the roots.

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